Safe Work Method for Working at Height Including Inside Shafts and Risers

Major hazards while working at height and inside the shafts are falling from height, falling objects and collapse of structure.

Below is the precise list of control measures that are applicable for working at height inside shafts and working inside the risers.

Ensure an appropriate  working platform with appropriate access, egress, and guard rails etc.

One competent employee must supervise the erection of the scaffolding and he must tag it prior to start of the work.

Responsible Site Supervisor/ Foreman must ensure that the Ladders, scaffoldings and other working platforms must be rigidly secured and safe to use prior to installation work.

Supervisor/ Foreman needs to explain the hazards and precautions that are mentioned in this Risk Assessment to the operatives prior to start the work and ensure that they understand it properly. This training attendance sheet and Risk Assessments must be kept in the Working Area.

Safe & Secure work platforms shall be provided and safety harness (without shock absorber pack on the lanyard until 5 meter height) will be utilized at all times and that must be clipped on to a rigid point. Adequate safety harness must be used to take the weight of the person without harm.

While working on or near the riser/shafts and slab edges; Full body harness must be used with shock absorber pack on the lanyard.

Maintain a good standard of housekeeping throughout the activity and dispose all the waste and scrap materials on the Designated Waste Collection Areas.Working at Height Method Statement for Working Safely at Heights

Do not use an A Frame Ladder for Heavy duty works.

Ensure the ladder is safe to use (free from damage and appropriate for the working area and activity).

Do not allow anyone to climb on the top most two steps and sit on the top. Must have one worker to hold the ladder while someone is working at height.

Do not use an A frame ladder near to the slab edges, riser openings, and shafts unless it is secured sufficiently.

Erect the mobile towers in a safe place (away from the edges and openings/ risers) to use near the edges and openings/risers.

Always follow the safe system of work procedures of a mobile tower while working that includes but not limited to;

  • lock all the castors properly,
  • use the access ladder to climb instead of ledgers and beams,
  • wear a full body harness if the height of the platform is more than 6feet,
  • do not move the towers with men and materials on top,
  • keep the platform clear,
  • clear out the overhead obstructions while moving,
  • do not rush

Before starting any work at height inside the riser’s or shaft’s follow the mentioned but not limited to:

  • the work in charge must get a written permission from safety department,
  • ensure an appropriate working platform which is having a valid inspection tag,
  • all the operatives must be trained and competent,
  • appropriate PPE’s must be issued and ensure its correct usage while working,
  • ensure adequate lighting and ventilation,
  • ensure a safe lifting method (always remember rope is not a lifting device; it can be used as a support/ extra grip for the lifting activity),
  • ensure no one else working on the same riser in any other levels (top and bottom),
  • Competent supervision is mandatory throughout the work activity
  • Overhead safety canopy must be provided (if applicable) if ever other workers are working directly above their working area and sufficient light must be provided in that case.

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