
Safety Procedure for Selection, Use and Inspection of Various Types of Safety Harnesses and Belts

Safety Procedure for Selection, Use and Inspection of Various Types of Safety Harnesses and Belts

Below is a standard procedure that provides direction and assists in the selection, use and inspection of the various types of fall protection/prevention devices that could be used on any construction project site where personnel and assets are at risk from fall


Construction Site Safety Committee Meeting Procedure – HSE Management

Table of Contents 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Scope 3.0 References 4.0 Definitions and Abbreviations 5.0 Responsibilities 6.0 Procedure 6.1 Notice of Meeting 6.2 Agenda and Attendance 6.3 Confirmation of Previous Minutes 6.4 Matters Arising (include Safety, Health and Environmental Audit Findings) 6.5 Safety


​HSE Management Procedure for Work Related Occupational Injury Illness and Disease Management​

1. Purpose 2. Scope 3. References 4. Definitions and Abbreviations 5. Responsibilities 6. Procedure 6.1 General 6.2 Risk Assessment 6.3 First Aid 6.3.1 First Aid Facility 6.3.2 Emergency Transportation 6.4 Workplace Rehabilitation 6.4.1 Treating Medical Practitioner 6.4.2 Suitable Duties 6.4.3 Rehabilitation and