​HSE Management Procedure for Work Related Occupational Injury Illness and Disease Management​

1. Purpose

2. Scope

3. References

4. Definitions and Abbreviations

5. Responsibilities

6. Procedure

6.1 General

6.2 Risk Assessment

6.3 First Aid

6.3.1 First Aid Facility

6.3.2 Emergency Transportation

6.4 Workplace Rehabilitation

6.4.1 Treating Medical Practitioner

6.4.2 Suitable Duties

6.4.3 Rehabilitation and Return to Work Plan

6.5 Communication

7. Records

8. Appendix

1. Purpose of Procedure

This procedure describes the requirements for immediate response for work-related/occupational injury/illness treatment and the rehabilitation of injured workers to maximum physical, psychological social, vocational and economic capacity. The aim being to encourage and assist injured workers to return to normal duties as quickly and as safely as possible.

2. Scope

The procedure applies to all Employees and assistance will be provided to subcontractors to manage the rehabilitation of their employees.

3. References

  • HSE Risk Management Procedure
  • HSE Emergency Management
  • HSE Accidents and Incidents
  • First Aid Record Form
  • Work Capability Form
  • Rehabilitation and Return to Work Plan

4. Definitions and Abbreviations

  • First Aid: Initial treatment administered to an injured or sick person before professional medical care is available. The purpose of first aid is to minimize injury/illness and future disability.
  • Incident: Event that gave rise to an accident or had the potential to lead to an accident.
  • Injury Management: A process which includes the initial treatment of the injury/illness, professional medical care and rehabilitation.
  • Medical Attendant: A person with suitable medical qualifications to provide first aid and subsequent treatment until such times as professional medical care is available.
  • Suitable Duties: Work duties designed to help injured workers return to work safely and gradually through a supervised process.
  • Work-Related/Occupational Illness/Disease: A condition that results from exposure to a physical, chemical, or biological agent in a workplace to the extent that the normal physiological mechanisms are affected and the health of the employee is impaired.
  • Work-Related/Occupational Injury: An injury that arises out of or in the course of work associated with the projects.

5. Responsibilities

  • Medical Attendant
  • Project Director
  • Treating Medical Practitioner
  • Project HSE Manager

6. Work Related Injury and Illness Management Procedure

6.1 General

All work-related/occupational injuries and illnesses/diseases are to be reported immediately to the medical attendant, who shall treat the injury and/or illness/disease and assess the need to refer the injured person to a professional medical care centre.

6.2 Risk Assessment

The Project Director is responsible to ensure that a risk assessment is conducted on the potential severity of injuries/illnesses likely to occur at the workplace.

The risk assessment will determine the qualification and experience requirements of the Medical Attendant, e.g. First Aid Attendant, Paramedic, Industrial Nurse or Doctor.

The risk assessment will also determine the standard of the first aid facilities, equipment requirements and the means of transportation for emergency evacuation of injured persons to an approved medical centre.

6.3 First Aid

All work-related/occupational injuries/illness/disease will be immediately reported to the Medical Attendant, who shall treat and record the treatment provided on First Aid Record Form.

The Medical Attendant will assess the need to refer the injured person to a professional medical care centre for additional treatment.

Should it be necessary, an injured person will be transported to an approved medical centre, accompanied by a responsible company representative, e.g.

First Aid Attendant, HSE Officer/Advisor or other person nominated by the Project Director.

All work-related injuries and illnesses will be investigated, with the level of investigation determined by the potential severity of the injury/illness/disease Refer to HSE Accidents and Incidents form.

For minor injuries/illnesses requiring first aid treatment only, i.e. dust to eyes, minor lacerations etc., provided that the incident would not have led to an injury of greater severity, the first aid record form may be sufficient for the level of investigation required.

6.3.1 First Aid Facility

The standard of the first aid facilities will be determined by risk assessment for the potential severity of injuries/illnesses likely to occur. Local legal requirements shall also be assessed to ensure that the first aid facilities provided meet these requirements.

The Medical Attendant is responsible to ensure that the first aid room is maintained and kept in a clean and hygienic condition, appropriate medical equipment is available, maintained in good condition, supplies and medication in sufficient quantities, stored correctly and within the manufacturer’s recommended expiry date. Prescription drugs are not to be administered by any Medical Attendant not authorised by the Local Medical Authority. Generally, this would normally be a Registered Medical Practitioner.

6.3.2 Emergency Transportation

The Project Director is responsible to ensure that appropriate medical emergency transportation is available at all times. The means of transportation needs to be determined based on the location of the project to the nearest approved medical centre, e.g. fixed winged aircraft, helicopter, on-site/off­ site ambulance, speed boat. At regular intervals, emergency drills are to be conducted to check the adequacy of the emergency plan, equipment and personnel. Refer to HSE Emergency Management procedure.

6.4 Workplace Rehabilitation Procedure

Arrangements will be made to assist an injured/ill worker who is unable to immediately return to work.

This assistance may be in the form of short term financial assistance and/or arranging transportation to attend medical consultations and assisting immediate family members, as required.

At all times it is important to maintain communication with the injured person and the immediate family to provide assurance of the company intentions to provide assistance for the injured person to return to the workplace.

Refer to Appendix A; Work-related/occupational Injury/Illness/disease Process Flow illustrates the rehabilitation process.

6.4.1 Treating Medical Practitioner

The Treating Medical Practitioner is responsible for the overall injury management of the injured person.

The Treating Medical Practitioner should be requested to complete Work Capability Form or an equivalent care centre form shall be obtained to determine the injured workers’ capabilities in order to develop a Rehabilitation and Return to Work Plan.

6.4.2 Suitable Duties

Based on the work capability statement from the Treating Medical Practitioner, the Medical Attendant, Project HSE Manager and Project Director shall negotiate suitable duties to allow the safe return of injured person to the workplace.

6.4.3 Rehabilitation and Return to Work Plan

The Medical Attendant and Project HSE Manager, in consultation with the injured person, shall complete Rehabilitation and Return to Work Plan. The Rehabilitation and Return to Work Plan will be signed by the injured person, Medical Attendant, Project HSE Manager and be approved by the Project Director. Prior to commencing suitable duties, the injured worker must obtain a medical clearance from the Treating Medical Practitioner and the injured person will be briefed about the plan content and will undergo an induction and any other training for the duties prescribed in the plan.

6.5 Communication

For the Rehabilitation and Return to Work Plan to be successful, it is important that other workers understand and support the rehabilitation process. Work-related injury/illness/disease management will be discussed at the project induction program and at tool box talks during the course of the project.

7. Records

 First Aid Records

Work Capabilities Forms Rehabilitation and return to Work Plan

Medical Clearance Forms

8. Appendix

Appendix A – Work-related/occupational Injury/Illness/disease Process Flow

Work related occupational Injury Illness disease management process flow chart

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