Method Statement for Demolition Work of Existing Boundary Wall

Below is a simple to understand safe work method statement for the Demolition of Existing Boundary Wall before starting a new project or renovation works.

No. Description of Activity Responsibility
1.0 Ensure all clearances from the concerned Government Department obtain PE/SE
2.0 Selected working area should be barricaded to avoid accidents & damages PE/Safety Officer
3.0 Place signage such as Keep Out, Demolition  is going on and Exclusion Zone & Physical Barrier to be erected around the construction  area where it is appropriate. SE/Safety Officer


RFIA should be raised and ensure its approval prior to start demolition of existing boundary wall. QC Engr/PE/SE
5.0 Demolition will be carried out after approval from Engineers , start  the demolition procedure in the corner of the compound wall at west side near entrance gate. PE/SE
6.0 Start cutting of wall panel by panel using electric  jack hammer  by separating the compound wall from each other. PE/SE
7.0 Demolition will be carried out by excavator/breaker  by pulling / breaking the wall inside the proposed site to avoid damage to the newly installed hoarding/media fence. PE/SE
8.0 Demolition will be carried out manually using electric jack hammer, where the access is not clear for Excavator. PE/SE
9.0 Ensure that demolished wall should be cut into pieces  as per required weight for cart away to the approved designated disposal area. PE/SE
10.0 Remove all demolished walls at work place area & clean the area in order to have better access. PE/SE
11.0 Raised WIR for complete demolition of existing boundary wall and ensure its approval from client / consultant. QC Engr/PE/SE

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