
Safe Work Method Statement For Welding Of Pipes Including WPS & PQR

1. PURPOSE : The purpose of generating this Method Statement is to define the procedure step by step to implement the correct practices for welding at project site. 2. SCOPE : This Method Statement refers to various work procedures contained within project control documents, which explains


Safety Requirements for Installation of Upper Floor Wall Frames

Safe Work Method Statement for Installation of Upper Floor Wall Frames

The sub-contractor doing the upper floor wall frames installation is responsible for carrying out particular actions, as listed in this risk assessment document, complying the control measures. Supervisor is responsible to ensure that the sub-contractor is competent and satisfied with the procedures


SWMS Safe Work Method Statement for Electrical Conduit Installation Prior to Pouring Concrete

Personal Protective Equipment (tick as appropriate)

Instructions for the implementation of this SWMS: Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors. Identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed. Identify and document the site PPE requirements for the task. Document any additional


Supply and Installation of Water Reticulation System

Water Reticulation System method of statement

The purpose of this safework method statement is to establish the work method for supply and installation of mild steel pipes, fittings and pipe works under the water reticulation work for project buildings, landscape, infrastructure and associated works. Upon delivery at site,