Site Construction Traffic Control Procedure for Light Vehicle Operation

This site hse procedure shall ensure safe and efficient operation of light vehicles movement of the organization.

Safety instruction does not fully detail each specific requirement operators will encounter on their daily assignments.

This guide provides competent light vehicle operators with critical information to perform their job safely and effectively.

Scope of this document addresses safety instructions for both projects and offices where organization is having its operations.

Authorised light vehicle operators will have valid police / driver’s license for the country of operation. A record of persons attending the pre test & training is recorded in their personal file.

Drivers / light vehicle operators will be familiar with the functions of applicable instruments and operating controls.

Authorised light vehicle operators will conduct a pre-operation check before operation of the light vehicle.

The vehicle operator is the one who is responsible for the safe condition and operation of the vehicle.

Unsafe items will be reported immediately to relevant supervisor and documented, any items deemed unsafe will be corrected before light vehicle operation.

This operation procedure contains the following topics:

i. Pre Operation Check

ii. Operation

iii. Passenger Load Capacity

iv. Parking Vehicle

v. Shut Down Sequence

vi. Use Of Vehicle in Leighton project sites

vii. Traffic Violation Policy

Pre Operation Check

Before starting

a) Set parking brake;

b) Adjust mirrors;

c) Check seat belt;

d) Check all lights including headlights, rotary, flasher, reverse and tail lights;

e) Check horn;

f) Check fire extinguisher;

g) Check condition of Tyres;

h) Check reverse Alarm Sound

i) Adjust seat and fasten seat belt

After Starting the Vehicle

a) Check panel gauges and lights while engine warms.

b) Check gearshift operation prior to moving vehicle.

c) Check service brake (foot brake) and parking brake (emergency brake) by placing into second gear and applying reasonable power. The vehicle should not move when applying either brakes.

Operation – LV not authorized to enter the construction area

a) Ensure area is clear ahead and safe to proceed. On-site, sound horn in accordance with audible signal requirements (2 blasts prior to moving forward).

b) The headlights must be on when driving on site or when it is raining, foggy or dusty conditions.

c) Observe traffic procedures and use horn when necessary.

d) Obey all speed limit restrictions as per the projects Traffic Management Plan or as per signs posted.

e) Four wheel drive vehicles will be operated in four wheel drive where required.

f) Drive on the right side of the road at all times and intersections. Also when driving around curves and entering roadways.

g) Drive a safe distance from pedestrians.Site Construction Traffic Control Procedure for Light Vehicle Operation

h) Drive a safe distance from operating heavy equipment. Pedestrians and heavy equipment have the right-of–way.

i) Vehicles approaching each other on a narrow roadway must use courtesy and yield the right-of-way in circumstances such as approaching heavy loads, determining where there is sufficient area to yield, and giving way to ascending vehicle.

j) Pass vehicles only when you are positive you have been observed by the vehicle in front. You must determine that there is a safe distance to pass without exceeding the speed limit and there are no deviations of the road (curves, dips, and obstructions) that will create an unsafe condition.

k) Shift into a lower gear prior to entering a grade to minimize service brake usage.

l) Passengers are not allowed to stand in the bed of trucks when in motion.

m) Passengers are not permitted in pick-up trays or in light vehicles when transporting material, unless seating is available.

n) Never leave vehicle unattended with engine running or with key in ignition.

o) Arms and legs must remain inside vehicle.

p) Seat belts must be fitted to all vehicles and must be used by the driver and passengers at all times.

Passenger Load Capacity

a) Pick-Up: Driver +1, Passenger +1, Rear section 3 (if seating & seatbelts available).

b) Bus: Driver +1, 1 per seat with no sitting or standing in aisle or steps.

c) Station wagon: Driver +1, Rear section 3, Cargo compartment 2 (if seating & seatbelts available).

d) Man hauls: Driver + 1, Passenger + 1, Rear section + 40 (if seating & seatbelts available).

Parking the Vehicle

a) Park in area free from traffic, away from prohibited parking areas such as gates or driveways.

b) Park with brake set, the engine stopped and wheels choked or turned into the bank or wall.

c) Never park behind heavy equipment. Be conspicuous. Always park 50 meters away from a work area.

d) Remove keys.

e) Do not double park or block other vehicles in parking areas

Shut Down Sequence

a) Stop vehicle using the service brake.

b) Place transmission in neutral.

c) Set park brake

d) Allow hot engine to cool gradually.

e) Stop engine and shift transmission into 1st gear.

f) Chock (block) wheels and/or turn wheels in to bank.

Use of Vehicles inside the Construction Sites

The above procedures applies along with the following additional requirements:

i. Non-assigned personnel and visitors must obtain approval from shift foreman before entering mine or construction area.

ii. Obey all posted speed limits.

iii. Personnel or equipment are not allowed in open pit or construction areas when blasting.

iv. Headlights and rotating amber lights must be used in open pit and construction areas if stipulated in the projects traffic management plan.

v. Distance between all mobile equipment on all haul roads will be a minimum of 20 meters.

vi. Light vehicles must travel and observe heavy equipment from a safe distance of at least 20 meters.

vii. Operators must use caution and be alert to changing conditions.

viii. Passing of haul trucks on the road at access road or mine road is allowed only if the road traffic approaching is clear and the haul truck ahead pulls over and stops. Passing of moving haul trucks is not allowed in or around the open pit, workshop or access area.

ix. Vehicles must pull over into a safe area when visibility is less than 50 meters and wait until conditions improve.

x. Flashing lights are installed throughout the area as visual guide in poor visibility conditions.

Traffic Violation Policy

This policy applies to all sites and contractor employees who operate light vehicles and mobile equipment throughout the project. When a traffic violation occurs, the following will apply.

i. Speeding, failure to obey traffic signs, driving too fast for conditions or operating the vehicle in a reckless manner:

– First offence – written warning(s).

– Second offence within 12 consecutive months – additional written warning(s), and suspension of the license pending review by the department head and the safety department.

ii. Accident resulting in personal injury or significant property damage as a result of operator negligence:

– First offence – suspension of driver’s license pending the successful completion of a drivers training course.

– Second offence – permanent loss of driver’s license.

– In either case, written warnings will be issued and if circumstances warrant, the drivers licenses may be terminated.

iii. All incidents must be reported in writing to the safety department before the end of the current shift and definitely within 24 hours. Failure to report an accident in timely fashion is a serious violation of company hse policy and will result in disciplinary action.

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