Standard Specifications for Installation of Pipe Hangers & Supports

PART-1 GENERAL: WORK INCLUDED: Compliance with relevant General Requirements of Mechanical Services.

1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: This Section includes piping supports complete for all piping systems except as otherwise specified.

1.3 Reference Standards.

  • Heating & Ventilating Contractors Association recommendations
  • BS 3974 Specification for pipe supports
  • ASME code of pressure piping B1.0
  • Manufacturers Standardization Society standard (MSS) Practice SP-58


  • All materials submittals shall include a detailed, clause-wise, compliance statement.
  • All materials  submittals  shall  include  detailed  catalogues,  product  literature  and descriptions of all equipment and fittings with selection charts, capacities etc.
  • All material submittals shall include copies of relevant standard
  • Provide detailed shop drawings of the items of equipment being provided, indicating the dimensions, materials and characteristics.
  • Materials selection data to be submitted
  • Shop drawings to include typical details for both vertical and horizontal pipe work including location.
  • Contractor to submit details and calculations of how proposed loads can be safely accommodated by the structure.



  • All hangers, supports, anchors, and guides shall be in accordance with the British Standard BS 3974 or other equivalent and approved International Standard
  • Dielectric Protection Furnish acceptable protection or copper plated hangers between ferrous and nonferrous metal pipe and hangers on all water piping.
  • Horizontal Piping Hangers

Provide one of the following types of hangers for horizontal piping manufactured by one of the approved makes.

All Pipe Except Copper:

  • Provide clevis type supports. Keep the clevis nut outside the insulation
  • Where pipe exceeds maximum loading recommended for clevis type hangers, furnish steel pipe clamp.
  • For pipes 200 mm and larger, and where provision for expansion and contraction is required, provide single pipe-roll support with two rods and adjustable sockets, or for pipe 150 mm and smaller, adjustable swivel pipe-roll with one rod.
  • Provide trapeze hangers where several pipes can be installed parallel and at the same level, and fabricate from structural steel sheet. Use roller chairs or pipe-roll stands where provision for expansion is required:pipe-hangers-and-supports-specifications
  • Spacing shall not be farther than the closest interval required for any size pipe supported thereby,  or  as  necessary  to  prevent  damage  or  failure  to  the structure
  • Where there is doubt of the structural capacity for concentrated loads necessary structural calculations shall be carried out and the load distributed sufficiently.
  • Copper Tubing Support
  • i) Hangers Touching Pipe; provide copper plated, split-ring extension hanger.
  • Hangers on Outside of Insulation; furnish same as specified for steel pipe.
  • Floor Supports: Provide one of the following means of supporting horizontal piping from floor:
  • Where bottom of piping is less than 450 mm above finished floor, furnish cast-iron pipe rests with pipe nipples to suit. Fasten to floor.
  • Contractor  to  fabricate  galvanised  steel  frame  to  suit  the  site  conditions  to  the Consultant’s approval.
  • Wall Supports. Provide one of the following means of supporting horizontal piping from wall:
  • Furnish steel J-hook for pipe located close to wall (up to 80 mm pipe).
  • For  hanger  suspension  with  280  kg  maximum  loading  furnish  light  welded-steel bracket with hole for one rod, 19 mm diameter.
  • For pipe-roll stand support, furnish welded-steel brackets.
  • The dimensions of steel members to be used for brackets shall be suitable for the supported load and to Consultant’s approval.

Vertical Piping Supports:

  1. All Pipe Except Copper:

Vertical pipe supports shall be steel extension pipe-clamps. Manufacturer’s rated maximum loading for each size pipe shall be used (with minimum 50% safety factor) for spacing of supports. Bolt clamp securely to pipe, reset clamp-end extension on building structure.

2. Copper Tubing Support

For uninsulated vertical lines, provide copper finished steel riser clamp or plastic coated steel riser clamp.

Beam Clamps:

  • Non-“C-Style” beam clamps shall be malleable iron for up to 9.5 mm hanger rods, forged-steel for hanger rod size 9.5 mm and abo
  • “C-Style” beam clamps shall be adjustable hanger rod type, malleable iron with set screw, jam nut, retaining clip, FM and UL approved.
  • Where beam configuration does not allow horizontal movement of C-clamp when set screw and jam nut are positioned, retaining clips may be omitted.

Inserts and Expansion bolts:

  • Furnish and set inserts in concrete.
  • Concrete inserts shall be as follows: Black malleable iron universal type for threaded connections with lateral adjustment for pipe sizes up to 200m
  • For pipes 200 mm and over or equivalent group of pipes on trapeze, use two or more inserts to prevent exceeding maximum loading
  • As an alternative to the above mentioned inserts the Contractor may use expansion bol If the Contractor uses expansion bolts, the maximum spacing between supports may need to be reduced so as not to exceed the maximum loading and the expansion bolt locations shall be determined in coordination with the structural elements.


Provide shields where required, to protect insulation at areas of contact with hangers and supports.

Support Insulators.

The Contractor shall provide moulded hard rubber insulators at all supports of insulated pipework to transmit pipe load to hangers (or supports) without crushing the insulation. The rubber density shall not be less than 1100 kg/m3 and operating temperature range shall be -20 deg. C to 110 deg. C. The thickness of insulators shall be same as the insulation, and vapour barrier (where specified) shall be continuous across the outside of the insulators.


All supports and clamps shall be from one of the approved manufacturers. Unless otherwise indicated, all supports, clamps or frames shall be protected against corrosion by either galvanizing or two coats of suitable primer with two coats of approved epoxy paint. Supports/clamps or frames used outside the building shall be galvanised.



Provide hangers to support the required loads. Where necessary, supports shall be designed to permit movement due to expansion and contraction.

Support piping with hangers in direct contact with the pipe for insulated piping not requiring a vapor barrier. Size hangers to fit on the outside of insulation requiring a vapor barrier.

Hang pipe from substantial building structure. Piping shall not be hung from other piping. All rigid hangers shall provide a means of vertical adjustment after erection. Do not suspend pipe from metal roof deck.

“C” clamps shall be installed as per manufacturer’s recommendations.

Where non insulated pipes, in which vibration may occur, pass through walls, floors, or partitions, encase pipe within acoustical wall sleeves.


  • Support horizontal piping on threaded, galvanised, hot rolled steel rod hangers. Where proprietary hangers are being used, the threaded rod size shall be as required for the hanger. The maximum spacing shall be based on the load carrying capacity of the hanger, after allowing a safety factory of 50% on the insulated full pipe weights.
  • Steel Pipe.

Maximum Spacing Between Single Pipe Supports:

Nominal Pipe Size, mm
15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250
Maximum Span, Meters
1.5 1.8 2.1 2.1 2.7 3.0 3.4 3.7 4.3 4.9 5.1 5.8 6.1
Minimum Rod Diameter, Millimeters
6.4 6.4 9.5 9.5 9.5 95 13 13 16 16 16 19 24
  • Copper Tubing

Maximum Spacing Between Single Pipe Supports:

Nominal Pipe Size, mm
15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 150

Maximum Span, Meters

1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.7 4.2

Furnish minimum rod diameters as specified for steel pipe.

  • Support steel piping 300 mm and larger at 6 m intervals or less to ensure even distribution of loading on structural member
  • The spacing specified herein is included to limit deflection in the pipe to an acceptable minim Shorten intervals as necessary so as not to exceed the support manufacturer’s maximum recommended safe load values in accordance with BS 3974.
  • Cast iron pipe shall be, as a minimum, supported at each hu
  • Trapeze Hanger. Spacing shall not be farther than the closest interval required for any size pipe supported thereby, or as  necessary  to  prevent  damage  or  failure to the struct  Provide additional framing as required to transfer loads to adequate structure.
  • Supporting rods over 450 mm long shall be braced at every fourth hanger with diagonal bracing attached to the structure.
  • The Contractor shall select support distances such that the precast structure is not subjected to excessive point loads. The contractor will be required to submit calculations to demonstrate that the proposed loads can be safely supported from the structure.


Support vertical piping with wrought steel riser clamps. Make adequate provision for expansion, contraction, and lateral stability by using expansion joints. Also, account for vertical expansion and lateral movement of the building structures.

Support steel pipe at a minimum of every floor as required to relieve joint stresses.


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